Tamavua Village may close Princes Road if speed camera and zebra crossings are not done
Villagers fed up of speeding after 4 deaths

Tamavua Village may close Princes Road if speed camera and zebra crossings are not done

Villagers fed up of speeding after 4 deaths

By Marika Rasekaseka
Tuesday 20/02/2024
[Image: File]

Excessive speeding and 4 deaths on the road at Tamavua Village resulted in the villagers demanding the Fiji Roads Authority to re-construct the road humps in front of the village along Princes Road.

While speaking to fijivillage News, Village Headman Sunia Malewa has made it clear that they want zebra crossings and functioning speed cameras as well.

He says if there is no proper solution, they might close the portion of the road in front of their village.

The villagers of Tamavua are concerned about the rising cases of speeding and accidents along Princes Road after losing Ponipate Vula, who was one of the prominent members of their village.

He died after a hit-and-run accident last month.

Malewa says due to the rising number of accidents, they asked the Fiji Roads Authority to install two road humps in front of their village.

Malewa says they are also concerned about the non-functional speed camera that was installed near their village.

He says they have asked the government to assist them in finding a better solution and install a proper zebra crossing and functional speed camera because it is painful to lose a family member.

Malewa also says that they have asked the government to assist them by providing drains and culverts in their village due to the blockages they face during the wet season. fijivillage News has sent questions to the Minister of Public Works, Ro Filipe Tuisawau. He is yet to respond.

The FRA had earlier removed the road humps in front of the village however their contractors were hurriedly putting up the humps again earlier this month.

Questions are being raised on why the humps were removed in the first place.

The village headman also says all the development done in their village has been done by their members and elders, and today they are pleading for the government's assistance to assist them by constructing a new village hall.

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