FPRA announces nominees for music awards

FPRA announces nominees for music awards

By Ana Ravulo
Wednesday 13/04/2016

The Fiji Performing Rights Association has announced the nominees of the FPRA Music awards.

Nominees for 10 out of the 14 categories have been announced.

FPRA says the nominees for 4 categories will be announced on the day of the awards night.

The 10 categories announced are the Artist of the year, Best Composition, Best New Artist, Most popular music video, Most popular song, Best I-Taukei song, Best Hindi Song, Best Gospel Song, Best Hip-pop song and the Best English song.

The 2016 FPRA music awards night will be held on the 14th of next month at the Grand Pacific Hotel.

Full Nominations List:

Best English Song
1. “You Got You” By Elena Baravilala, Composer: Elena Baravilala
2. “Mama Earth” By Rako Pasefika, Composer: Sam Taukave, Paul Dominiko, Ema Rupeni
3. “Sweet Talking” By Inside Out, Composer: Apakuki Nalawa

Best iTaukei Song
1. “Au kerekere Viti” By LITE, Composer: Waisale Qilatabu
2. “Na veikilai lekaleka mosimosi” By Nasio Domoni, Composer: Jofiliti Sucuvou
3. “Sai Kemuni” by One 2 Eight, Composer: David Steven

Best Hindi Song
1. “Manav Samhje Na Raasta” By Praneel Sami Don, Composer: Praneel Sami Don
2. “Kahawa Gaile Saawra” By Praneel Sami Don, Composer: Praneel Sami Don
3. “Mere Khuda Meri Dohai Sun” By Saimone Vuatalevu, Composer: Saimone Vuatalevu

Best Gospel Song
1. “Longing” By Dawn Gospel, Composer: Katarina Turagakacivi
2. “Noqu Kalou Au Tagi vei Kemuni” By Saimone Vuatalevu, Composer: Saimone Vuatalevu
3. “Jisu Sa Voleka Mai” By Faith Harvest Worship, Composer: Kalevati Veiseyaki

Best Hip Hop Song
1. “Money in the Bag” By Kurt Ram
2. “Stir it Up” Sekove Naqio/Laisiasa Dave Lavaki/Mynlessme
3. “Runnin” Laisiasa Dave Lavaki/Faga Timote/Sekove Qiolevu/George Wasile

Most Popular Music Video
1. “Ena Bogi” By Savuto
2. “Sai Kemuni” By One 2 Eight
3. “Noqu Senikau” By Kula Kei Uluivuya
4. “Shes not crying anymore” By Naseda
5. “Noqu Daulomani” By Naseda

Most Popular Song
1. “Noqu Senikau” By Kula Kei Uluivuya, Composer: Viliame Cokanauto
2. “Nasi Dredre Ga” By Voqa kei Valenisau, Composer: Apolosi Baroi
3. “Na veikilai lekaleka mosimosi” By Nasio Domoni, Composer: Jofiliti Sucuvou
4. “Sweet Talking” By Inside Out, Composer: Apakuki Nalawa
5. “Au mai vakila” By Voqa ni delai dokidoki, Composer: Temo Soko Lote

Best New Artist
a. Naseda
b. Inside Out
c. Rako Pasefika

Artist of the Year
a. Voqa ni Delai Dokidoki
b. Nasio Domoni
c. Savuto

Best Composition
1. “You Got You” By Elena Baravilala, Composer: Elena Baravilala
2. “Na veikilai lekaleka mosimosi” By Nasio Domoni, Composer: Jofiliti Sucuvou
3. “Hanua Helava” By Rako Pasefika, Composer: Sam Taukave, Paul Dominiko, Ema Rupeni

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