FIFA not confirming any investigation on the Fiji vs Honduras match

FIFA not confirming any investigation on the Fiji vs Honduras match

By Vijay Narayan
Saturday 06/06/2015
Setareki Hughes and Junior Rao leave the field after victory against Honduras

World football governing, FIFA is not confirming at this stage on whether any investigation is underway in relation to the FIFA under 20 World Cup match between Fiji and Honduras.

FIFA says it does not provide any comments as to whether or not an investigation is underway with regard to any alleged manipulation in any match amongst others so as not to compromise any possible investigations.

When asked by Legend FM News on some unsubstantiated reports circulating on certain websites, FIFA says from Zurich that in accordance with article 88 of the FIFA Disciplinary Code and/or article 36 of the FIFA Code of Ethics, it would only be after a decision has been taken by the FIFA Disciplinary Committee or the FIFA Ethics Committee and first notified to the parties concerned that FIFA would be in a position to communicate the contents of that decision publically.

However FIFA goes on to say that it has adapted its internal structures and modified policies and procedures to develop a vast range of measures and initiatives to support the football community in its efforts to protect the integrity of the game and to fight match manipulation.

It says as far as FIFA competitions like the FIFA U‑20 World Cup are concerned, FIFA is implementing a comprehensive strategy comprising the monitoring of all matches – including qualifiers ‑, a specific risk assessment and a regular exchange with public authorities, all participant member associations and match officials.

While answering our question FIFA says the presence of FIFA security officers in all venues of the FIFA U‑20 World Cup is ensuring the live monitoring of matches with any potential      a-nomalies being reported immediately through the standard mechanisms.

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