All citizens of this country should be called Fijians.
This was mentioned in the submission to the Constitution Commission at the Parliamentary Complex yesterday by the Yavusa Kubuna of Bau which consists of the three villages of Bau, Lasakau and Raraososo.
They have proposed the I-Taukei to be also called the common name ‘Fijian’ as a sign of unity of all the people in Fiji. They believe by calling the indigenous people, I-Taukei will continue to cause division.
Former Vice President and Bau High Chief Ratu Joni Madraiwiwi was also present while the submission was presented.
The Yavusa Kubuna of Bau has also submitted for Fiji to be a Christian State however do not propose that this should be legislated or enforced by the government.
They also believe that there should be freedom for others to practice and worship their own beliefs and values.
They do not want a certain Christian denomination be superior over the other.
The Constitution should encourage racial harmony amongst all the citizens of Fiji but at the same time take into consideration the identity of the I-Taukei in Fiji.
They have proposed that government should be formed out of a collision of more than 50% of membership of those elected in the House of Representatives.
The Prime Minister will be elected by the Party which wins most number of seats in parliament and the Prime Minister will appoint his cabinet.
The Yavusa Kubuna of Bau proposes that the Great Council of Chiefs should nominate three names suitable to be President, and the Upper and Lower house of parliament should elect the President. They also want GCC to be retained.
They have proposed that the President be the Commander in Chief of Fiji and the prime minister should lead the government.
They believe that the President should be above politics and should be a sign of unity for all in Fiji.
The young of people of Bau have raised concerned on the number of foreign judges engaged in the judiciary services and question why lesser number of local judges.
They have also proposed for number of personnel in the Military should be decreased with more women and members of other ethnic groups to be encouraged to become members of the military.
Story by: Ronal Deo